Simon's Mom: Journey of Love and Sacrifice

I am Simon Chowdhury, currently an eleventh-grade student at Kellogg Mookerjee Memorial School, specializing in the realm of Arts. I am preparing for my HSC board exam next year, and I invite you to join me on a journey through the chapters of my life—a journey filled with sacrifices, challenges, and a burning desire to complete my education and make my mother proud.
Dynamic duo and dad as a blur in the past
It's just my mom and me, a dynamic duo. My dad? Well, he left us way back in 2009. He wasn't exactly the nicest person around. Always picking fights, even over the tiniest things. I remember him being pretty violent towards my mom. It was tough for her, you know?
The fact that my parents came from different religions and cultures added to the problems. So, a whole range of social and cultural differences made their relationship even more challenging.
One day, dad decided he had enough and left. He found another woman. And he left me and mom to take care of ourselves. Since then, we haven't seen him. It's strange, but I can barely remember his face, like he's just a blur in the past.
Mom would do anything for me
So, it's just us against the world. My mom, Sathi Chowdhury, and me. The two of us facing life as best we can. Let me tell you, my mom is a true warrior and my biggest hero. When dad left, mom was still young and beautiful. People kept telling her to remarry, but she refused. She knew any other guy would accept her, but probably reject me. So, she vowed to raise me alone, no matter what.
My educational journey began at GAPS boarding school, where I started in nursery and continued until I reached grade 7. Life wasn't a bed of roses for us. My mom worked hard to scrape together enough for my school fees and all the other expenses. She got me into GAPS when I was only 5 years old. And let me tell you, she's been hustling ever since. She took up a cleaning job at a diagnostic center and rented a small place for us to live.
All for my sake. My mom's never been one to treat herself. She's all about me and my education. She didn't get a fancy education herself, but she's determined to give me the best.
Back then, in that year when dad left, something amazing happened. When times were toughest, ADRA CZ found a sponsor for me. I can't even describe the joy on my mom's face when I told her. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. In grade 8, I transferred to KMMS, another boarding school, all the while continuing to benefit from the support of ADRA CZ.
Big bag & big surprise
Sports! Oh, I'm crazy about them. Football, cricket – you name it, I love it. There was this one time when I was little, I begged my mom for sports gear. I didn't quite understand the financial struggles we were going through. I threw a bit of a tantrum, and she scolded me. Later, I found out she cried that night because she felt bad about it. She always put me first, even when it meant sacrificing her own happiness.
Last year, something amazing happened. I got an A grade on my SSC (Secondary School Certificate) board exams. I told my mom, and she surprised me by showing up at my boarding school. She had this big bag with her. When I opened it, I was thrilled. It was filled with sports kits and jerseys, everything I had ever wanted. But you know what hit me hard? The realization that my mom had probably saved every penny she could to get me those gifts. She might have even skipped meals so I could have those sports goodies. That sacrifice? It meant the world to me.
Sacrifices and hope for the future
You know, my dream is to become an English professor someday. I want to make my mom proud and show her that her sacrifices were worth it. With the support from my sponsor, things are looking up on that front. ADRA CZ has given us a new sense of hope, and I'm beyond grateful for that.
And my mom? She's my rock, my world. I want to make sure her struggles and sacrifices lead to something beautiful. I'm on a mission to fulfill her wish of seeing me educated and successful. My journey is powered by her love and the incredible support of my sponsor. Together, we're taking on life's challenges, one step at a time.